Few things are more soothing than a perfect cup of tea. Barry's sources the finest tea leaves and blends them together for the ideal brew. Whether it be loose leaf, green tea or traditional varieties, you can have that cup of comfort tea you're craving!- Gold Blend Loose 250g
250 grams of loose leaves come in this package of Barry’s refreshing Gold Blend tea.
- Decaf 40ct
For those who want Barry’s great taste without the caffeine, Barry’s Decaf tea ranks above the rest. This product is a 40 bag box.
- Irish Breakfast 80ct
Barry’s Tea Irish Breakfast is the lightest and most refreshing signature blend, known for its brisk and lively taste. We select our Irish Breakfast blend from the Assam valley of India and the gardens of Rwanda and Kenya but it’s the bright freshness of the African leaves that make this tea so refreshing. It’s the perfect blend to enjoy anytime of the day. 80 bags in each box.
- Irish Breakfast 40ct
This light and refreshing tea has a signature recipe that proudly represents Barry’s heritage and history. Each box contains 40 tea bags.
- Classic Blend 80ct
Tea drinkers want a classic when choosing their product, Barry’s Tea offers a premium blend of the finest teas. 80 tea bags of Classic Blend tea are found in the box.
- Gold Blend 80ct
With leaves coming from a mix of Rwanda, India, and Kenya, this worldly Gold Blend is sure to please. Each box delivers enough tea to enjoy 80 cups.
- Gold Blend Catering 2-Cup 500 ct
Caterers looking for a bulk amount of Gold Blend tea should look no further. Barry’s Tea offers 500 tea bags of fine Gold Blend.
- Gold Blend 40ct
Ireland’s most popular tea is most definitely a crowd pleaser. Each box contains 40 tea bags
- Decaf 80ct
Barry’s Tea has a number of great health properties, especially shown in Barry’s decaffeinated teas. This box is a great deal as it comes with 80 tea bags.
- Green Tea 40ct
Whether one drinks it for its healthy properties or its reinvigorating taste, Barry’s Green Tea fills any purpose. 40 tea bags come in this box.